首页世界秩序 第113页


    31. George H. W. Bush, Remarks to the Federal Assembly in Prague, Czechoslovakia, November 17, 1990, accessed online at Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, eds.,The American Presidency Project.
    32. Ibid.
    33. George H. W. Bush, Remarks at Maxwell Air Force Base War College, Montgomery, Alabama, April 13, 1991, in Michael D. Gambone,Small Wars: LowIntensity Threats and the American Response Since Vietnam (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2012), 121.
    34. Confronting the Challenges of a Broader World, President Clinton Address to the UN General Assembly, New York City, September 27, 1993, inDepartment of State Dispatch 4, no. 39 (September 27, 1993).
    35. Ibid.
    36. George W. Bush, Presidential Address to a Joint Session of Congress, September 20, 2001, inWe Will Prevail: President George W. Bush on War, Terrorism, and Freedom (New York: Continuum, 2003), 13.
    37. George W. Bush, Presidential Address to the Nation, October 7, 2001, in ibid., 33.
    38. Agreement on Provisional Arrangements in Afghanistan Pending the Reestablishment of Permanent Government Institutions, December 5, 2001, UN peacemaker online archive.
    39. UN Security Council Resolution 1510 (October 2003).
    40. 的确有人透露,即便呼吁新政府注意性别敏感性,在波恩的起草者们还是得赞扬阿富汗的圣战者hellip;hellip;是圣战英雄(heroes)。
    41. Winston Churchill,My Early Life (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1930), 134.
    42. See Chapter 2.
    43.The National Security Strategy of the United States of America(2002).
    44. George W. Bush, Remarks by the President at the 20th Anniversary of the National Endowment for Democracy, United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C. (November 6, 2003).
    45. 1991年的联合国687号决议敦促停止第一次海湾战争的敌对行为,条件是伊拉克立即销毁储存的大规模杀伤性武器,并承诺永远不再发展此类武器。伊拉克没有遵守687号决议。早在1991年8月,安理会就宣布伊拉克实质上违背了自身义务。海湾战争之后数年中,安理会又通过了十多项决议,要求伊拉克完全遵守停火条款。安理会后来发现,萨达姆middot;侯赛因1998年最终停止了与联合国武器检查特别委员会和国际原子能机构的所有合作,赶走了停火协议要求它接待的联合国检查员。2002年11月,安理会通过了1441号决议,谴责伊拉克十年来拒不遵守协议,确定伊拉克一直且仍然实质违背了有关决议规定的义务。首席检查员汉斯middot;布利克斯并不是主战派,他于2003年1月向安理会提出报告,称巴格达没有解决突出的问题且态度前后不一。世界将长期讨论这场军事行动的意义,也将思考之后民主改造伊拉克时将采取的战略。不过,只要还是忽略多边背景,这场争论及其对将来违反国际不扩散原则行为的意义也将模糊不清。
    46. William J. Clinton, Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, October 31, 1998.
    47. Remarks by the President at the 20th Anniversary of the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D.C., November 6, 2003.
    48. Peter Baker,Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House(New York: Doubleday, 2013), 542.
    49. Ibid., 523.
    50. George Shultz, Power and Diplomacy in the 1980s,Washington, D.C., April 3, 1984,Department of State Bulletin, vol. 84, no. 2086 (May 1984), 13.
    第九章 技术、均衡和人的意识
    1. For a review of these theoretical explorations, see Michael Gerson, The Origins of Strategic Stability: The United States and the Threat of Surprise Attack, inStrategic Stability: Contending Interpretations, ed. Elbridge Colby and Michael Gerson (Carlisle, Pa: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2013); Michael Quinlan,Thinking About Nuclear Weapons: Principles, Problems, Prospects (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).
    2. See Chapter 6.
    3. 关于1973年中东危机中美国的核戒备,已经有许多著述。实际上,其主要目的是让常规部队(第六舰队和一个空降师)进入戒备状态,以应对勃列日涅夫在致尼克松的信中所发出的威胁,即他将派苏联部队赴中东作战。战略部队战备状态的升级是边际性的,莫斯科很可能根本就没有注意到。
    4. C. A. Mack, Fifty Years of Moores Law,IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 24, no. 2 (May 2011): 202ndash;7.
    5. For mostly optimistic reviews of these developments, see Rick Smolan and Jennifer Erwitt, eds.,The Human Face of Big Data(Sausalito, Calif.: Against All Odds, 2013); and Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen,The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013). For more critical perspectives, see Jaron Lanier,Who Owns the Future? (New York: Simon  Schuster, 2013); Evgeny Morozov,The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom (New York: PublicAffairs, 2011); andTo Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism (New York: PublicAffairs, 2013).
    6. 诺伯特middot;维纳在其1948年的著作《控制论》中引入了网络这个词,指一种沟通节点,不过所指的是人与人之间而不是计算机与计算机之间。接近当前用法的网络空间这个词出自20世纪80年代几位科幻小说作家的著作。
    7. Viktor MayerSch?nberger and Kenneth Cukier,Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013), 73ndash;97.

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