首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 04 享受服务

04 享受服务

    04 享受服务
    maggie looks good with her new hairstyle. her colleague jina asks for maggie to take her to the same salon for a hairdressing.
    baber: welcome to our salon again,madam.
    maggie: hi, this is my colleague, jina. she wants to get her hair done.
    baber: hi, jina. welcome.
    jina: thank you. i'm ready for a new hairdo. my hair is too long. do you have some suggestions?
    baber: do you want to keep your hair this long or to take it shorter?
    jina: i'll leave it up to you. you are the expert.
    baber: ok. i think you would look cute with short hair. that hair style fits you perfectly. your hair seems quite dry, you know. and i see some split ends. they make your hair look even frizzier.
    jina: yeah, but i don't know what to do about it.
    baber: well, there are two things you can do. first, don't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower. let it dry naturally. second,buy a good conditioner and use it regularly.
    jina: do you sell conditioner here?
    baber: sure. i can suggest one for you.
    jina: great. i would be happy to try it. thank you.
    1. salon [s?'l?n] n. 美容院,沙龙;美术展览馆;客厅
    2. hairdo ['h??du:] n. 发型(尤指女子)
    3. split end 头发裂开的末端
    4. frizzy ['frizi] adj. 卷曲的
    5. blow-dry ['bl?u?drai] v. 吹干,用吹风机吹干
    6. conditioner [k?n'di??n?] n. 调节器,调节装置;护发素
    1. your hair has no volume.
    2. your high school friend who hasn't met you for a long time said that “you haven't changed a bit!”
    3. your highlights are more conspicuous than your base color.
    4. you're not receiving compliments on your hair anymore.
    5. your hair and skin tone match.
    6. your clothes have evolved, but your hairstyle hasn't.
    7. your hair is significant in length.
    8. you pull your hair into a ponytail all the time.
    9. your stylist could cut your hair with her eyes closed.
    tony and bart are good friends. they meet in a street.
    tony: hi, buddy. i heard that you got a new well-paid job. how is your new job?
    bart: don't mention it!
    tony: what's up?
    bart: there is fierce internal competition in our company. if i don't work hard, i would be abandoned soon. on these days i am under heavy stress. i can hardly stand it!
    tony: you should have a break.
    bart: you are right. thanks!
    tony: i'm going to bath center to chill out. would you like to come along?
    bart: why not? let's go. i'd like to have a steam bath.
    tony: a steam bath sounds like a great idea. it is indeed very relaxing. i want to have a foot massage. maybe we should try a thai massage too.
    bart: what's special about the thai massage?
    tony: the special is that the masseuse walks on your back and massages you with her feet.
    bart: sounds nothing special.
    1. fierc [fi?s] adj.强烈的,凶猛的
    2. abandon [?'b?nd?n] v. 放弃,抛弃;放纵;n. 放纵
    3. bath center 洗浴中心
    4. chill out 放松;缓和情绪,冷静下来
    5. massage ['m?sɑ:?] n. 按摩;v. 按摩,用……揉擦;美化(事实)
    air bath 空气浴
    medicated bath 药水浴
    cold bath 冷水浴
    milk bath 牛奶浴
    tepid bath 温水浴
    brine bath 盐水浴
    hot bath 热水浴
    open air bath 露天浴
    full bath 周身浴
    hip bath 坐浴
    oil bath 油浴
    solar / sun bath 日光浴
    mud bath 泥浴
    steam / vapor bath 蒸汽浴
    shower bath 淋浴
    sand bath 沙浴
    spa bathing 矿泉浴
    acid bath 酸浴
    succession bath 冷热交替浴
    hot-spring bath 温泉浴
    skinny-dipping 裸体游泳
    turkish hath 土耳其浴,蒸汽浴(沐浴者通过几个温度逐渐升高的蒸汽室进行擦拭、按摩,然后再进行冷水淋浴。)
    sauna 桑拿浴(也叫芬兰式蒸汽浴,是一种在将水浇到加热过的石块上产生的蒸汽中的沐浴。)
    jane's colleague sarah is suffering from the shoulder periarthritis. jane puts forward a suggestion that sarah may try the shoulder massage.
    sarah: oh, i've got a pain in my shoulders.
    jane: you'd better have a break. sitting most of the day at a computer is not good for your health.
    sarah: i saw my doctor last week, and she said that i was suffering from the shoulder periarthritis.
    jane: oh, sorry to hear that. i think not only you but also all of the office workers should pay more attention to the health.
    sarah: yes, i have aches in my shoulders and feel dizzy and sick after a busy day.
    jane: me too. i've heard that the massage can relieve pain of the affected muscles, and improve blood circulation.
    sarah: does it work?
    jane: yes, of course. i had a massage last saturday. it's quite comfortable. a masseuse said that we should maintain a comfortable sitting position. and when reading and writing we should avoid long time sitting in one position.
    sarah: that's right. i am anxious to try the massage, but i don't have enough time. i feel weary after work and can hardly move a little.
    jane: we can try and find time to do it.
    1. periarthritis [periɑ:'θraitis] n. 关节周炎
    2. dizzy ['dizi] adj. 晕眩的;(速度)极快的;困惑的;v. 使晕眩,使困惑
    3. circulation [?s?:kju'lei??n] n. 流通,循环;发行量;消息传播
    4. masseuse [m?'s?:z] n. 女按摩师
    5. weary ['wi?ri] adj. 疲倦的;厌烦的;v. 疲倦;厌烦,生厌
    how to do hand massage by yourself?
    in order to stimulate hand blood circulation, rub your palm over the back of the hand and then repeat with the other hand. this movement is quite similar to wash your hands and it does not only stimulate blood circulation, it also warms the hands. besides, before you go to bed, lavish vaseline on the hands and then put on a pair of cotton gloves. your hands will be incredibly soft and delicate by morning.
    it's friday today. the work of this week has finally been done. julie and maggie are putting things in order before leaving the offic.
    julie: the weekend is finally coming. i'm going to the beauty parlor. do you want to come together, maggie?
    maggie: of course. let's go.
    (in a beauty parlor)
    beautician: good evening, ladies. what can i do for you?
    julie: good evening. i'd like a facial. this is my membership card.
    beautician: what would you like it?
    julie: have a mud pack on my face and a facial massage first. trim my eyebrows and curl my eyelashes.
    beautician: i will. do you want a make-up?
    julie: i don't think so. i just want to help with my complexion.
    beautician: ok! how about a manicure? we also provide manicure service.
    julie: do it, please, and use a transparent nail varnish.
    beautician: i will.
    1. beauty parlor 美容院
    2. facial ['fei??l] adj. 脸部的,面部的;n. 美容
    3. membership card 会员卡
    4. mud pack 脸部泥浴
    5. eyelash ['ail??] n. 睫毛
    6. curler ['k?:l?] n. 卷发夹;卷发的人
    7. complexion [k?m'plek??n] n. 肤色,面色;体质;特性;
    8. manicure ['m?ni?kju?] n. 修指甲;修指甲的人;v. 修指甲;修剪
    9. transparent [tr?ns'per?nt] adj. 透明的;明显的,清晰的
    10. varnish ['vɑ:ni?] n. 油漆;掩饰;光泽面;指甲油;v. 粉饰,涂油漆于;使光亮
    1. for best results you should stick to one product line.
    2. everyone needs moisturizer.
    3. expensive products are better because the ingredients are better.
    4. frequent trimmings can make hair grow faster.
    5. shaving makes hair grow back darker and thicker.
    6. you can get rid of cellulite.
    7. it can be too late to start slapping on sunscreen.
    8. soap is bad for your skin.

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