首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 03 购物地点

03 购物地点

    03 购物地点
    mary and nancy want to look around in a mall.
    mary: slow down, nancy. i'm so tired that i'm going to fall apart.
    nancy: come on. tomorrow i will act as the bridesmaid at my friend's wedding. i want to make myself up and show a new different appearance to others.
    mary: oh…so that's why you asked me to help you shop for new clothes?
    nancy: yeah. you know about style and can tell me what looks good.
    mary: you can count on me. hey, how about this skirt? it goes with your figure very well.
    nancy: really? you're the boss. i'll take this one.
    mary: i think you need some cosmetics to powder your face and you also should change a new hairstyle.
    nancy: great idea. the cosmetics are on the third floor. let's get there.
    mary: i'm feeling tired. let's take the elevator.
    1. bridesmaid [?braidzmeid] n. 女傧相,伴娘
    2. appearance [??pi?r?ns] n. 外观;外貌,外表;出现,露面
    3. figur [?fig?] n.身材;轮廓;肖像;数字;v. 被提及,计算在内;估计,料想
    4. cosmetic [k?z?metik] n. 化妆品;adj. 化妆用的,美容的;装点门面的
    5. elevator [?eliveit?] n. 电梯,升降机
    6. powder [?paud?] v. 在……上面搽粉,上妆;n. 粉,粉末
    1. the environment of this mall is really nice.
    2. there are a crowd of people in the shop near the corner. let's go to have a look at what goods are being sold.
    3. today i have gone shopping for a whole day with my friends.
    4. i bought many cheap things in the outlet at the shopping center.
    5. after the shopping, i found that i had spent most of the savings i have saved for months.
    6. let's go to the cashier to pay for these goods.
    chinese valentine's day is coming.
    tom: jack, what do you want to do today?
    jack: why are you asking me for that? is that any special today?
    tom: yeah, of course. today is july 7th in chinese lunar year. it's chinese valentine's day.
    jack: oh, i almost forget about this. so, what will you do with your girlfriend, tom?
    tom: i want to go to the flower shop to buy a bunch of roses for mary.
    jack: good, let's get there together.
    (in the flower shop)
    jack: the world of flowers we're in. i want to buy all of them.
    tom: come on, guy. different flowers represent different meanings.
    jack: that's right. how about this bunch of roses?
    tom: i think it's very exquisite, nice as a present.
    1. lunar [?lu:n?] adj. 月的,月球的;按阴历的
    2. valentine [?v?l?ntain] n. 情人;心爱的人在情人节赠送给情人的礼物(或情人卡)
    3. bunch [b?nt?] n. 束;串;捆;群;v.(使)……成束
    4. exquisite [?ekskwizit] adj. 精致的,精美的;敏感的,细致的
    1. chinese valentine's day. 中国情人节,七夕节。
    2. come on, guy. 别闹了,伙计。
    come on 是英语口语使用频率颇高的词汇。不同的场合代表不同的意思。主要有表示请求、鼓励、催促、责备、不耐烦、挑战或激怒对方、加油等。
    3. could you please pack these flowers?
    4. these flowers are very suitable to decorate our room.
    5. these flowers are enough. we needn't to buy so many.
    brown is on business in china. he wants to buy some souvenirs with chinese feature.
    seller: can i help you, sir?
    brown: yes, i'd like to buy some souvenirs with chinese feature. can you give me some suggestions?
    seller: sure, sir. what do you think of something closely related to the chinese ancient civilization? there are many antiques and chinese paintings here.
    brown: good idea.
    seller: i recommend you “the four treasures of study” then.
    brown: i like some artworks with chinese culture better. that vase is elegant, i think.
    seller: yes, the vase is made in jingdezhen, a very famous brand all over the world.
    brown: can you take it to me to have a look?
    seller: yes, sir, but please be careful when you hold this. chinaware is fragile.
    brown: how can i take it to my home? i'm worrying that it would break into pieces.
    seller: don't worry, sir. we'll send it directly to your house if you buy it.
    1. souvenir [?su:v?ni?] n. 纪念品
    2. ancient [?ein??nt] adj. 古代的,古老的;年老的,老式的
    3. civilization [?sivilai?zei??n] n. 文明,文化
    4. antique [?n?ti:k] adj. 古时制造的,古董的;古代的;n. 古玩,古董,古物
    5. artwork [?ɑ:tw?:k] n.(书, 杂志等的)插图;艺术作品,美术作品
    6. elegant [?elig?nt] adj. 精美的,优美的;文雅的,讲究的;简洁的
    7. fragile [?fr?d?ail] adj. 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的,经不起折腾的
    8. chinaware [?t?ain?w??] n. 陶瓷器
    1. the four treasures of study文房四宝
    2. jingdezhen 景德镇
    3. what kind of antiques do you like to collect?
    4. this copper coin has a high value of recollection.
    5. all the antiques have the reasonable prices and are clearly marked.
    6. this picture of horses is a fake.
    rose and alice walk into an accessory shop.
    seller: good afternoon, ladies. can i help you?
    rose: we are just looking around. it's a warm and comfortable little shop.
    seller: thank you. i'm always at your service.
    alice: rose, look, these chinese knots are so beautiful.
    rose: they are beautiful, but i think that wind bell is more attractive to me.
    alice: the purple one?
    rose: yeah, the sound of the little bells is melodious. it would be very interesting if there's a wind bell hanging in the bedroom.
    alice: sounds nice.
    rose: how much is the wind bell?
    seller: it's 40 yuan.
    alice: and the chinese knot?
    seller: 15 yuan, madam.
    rose: we'll buy these two for 50 yuan, ok?
    seller: ok, deal.
    1. comfortable [?k?mf?t?bl] adj. 安逸的,使人舒服的;丰富的
    2. service [?s?:vis] n. 服务,效劳;政府部门;服役,任职;v. 检修;向……提供服务;支付……的利息
    3. knot [n?t] n. 结;v.(使)打结,缠结
    4. attractive [??tr?ktiv] adj. 吸引的,诱人的;有吸引力的;引起注意的
    5. melodious [m??l?udi:?s] adj. 有旋律的,产生旋律的;悦耳的
    6. hang [h??] v. 悬,挂,垂下;(被)绞死,吊死
    1. i am just looking around.
    2. i'm always at your service.
    3. i like these chinese knots very much.
    chinese knot 中国结,是用一条线编织而成的手工艺品。古时用线挽结记事,逐渐演变成今日的装饰手艺。周朝人随身的佩戴玉常以中国结为装饰,而战国时代铜器上也有中国结的图案,延续至清朝中国结真正成为流传于民间的艺术。当代多用来室内装饰、亲友间的馈赠礼物及个人的随身饰物。因为其外观对称精致,可以代表中华民族悠久的历史,符合中国传统装饰的习俗和审美观念,故命名为中国结。
    4. this monument is very exquisite. just a pity that it is too expensive.
    5. i'll buy this painting for my teacher as a gift.
    bob is off duty today. he plans to buy some music disks.
    kane: there are different kinds of disks here. you can choose whatever you like, sir.
    bob: i'm looking for some music cds.
    kane: what kind of music do you like best,jazz music or rock music?
    bob: i like many kinds of music. do you have any cds of michael jackson in your shop?
    kane: i'm sorry, sir. the cds of michael jackson have been sold out. but you can book it here if you like.
    bob: ok, i need the ultimate collection.should i pay for that now?
    kane: you should pay half the price. it's 50 yuan, sir. please sign your name and phone number here.
    bob: ok, here's the money. how long will it take?
    kane: about 3 days.
    1. disk [disk] n. 圆盘;磁盘;唱片,光盘
    2. ultimate [??ltimit] adj. 最后的,最终的;基本的,根本的;最大的,极限程度的
    3. collection [k??lek??n] n. 收集,收取;领取;收藏品,收集的东西;募集的款项,捐款;积聚物;集中在一起的人
    1. jazz music
    2. rock music
    3. michael jackson
    迈克尔 ·杰克逊是世界乐坛极具影响力的一名歌手。被誉为“流行音乐之王”。他的歌迷遍布世界各地,其个人演唱会总是场场爆满,他那独特的风格和舞步更是让无数的明星纷纷效仿。2009年6月26日,据传因其私人医生注射镇静剂过量而导致他心脏病突发逝世。世界各地的歌迷用不同的方式怀念着这位巨星。
    there is something wrong with tayor's dvd player. is that so?
    泰勒的dv d机出问题了,真是那样吗?
    tayor: there's something wrong with the dvd player that i bought yesterday.
    seller: what's wrong with it? we tested it yesterday. it worked rather well.
    tayor: i know that. this morning i rent a vcd disk in a digital shop. i played it on the player. but it didn't work.
    seller: ok, i will check it for you.
    (several minutes later…)
    seller: there's nothing wrong with the player, sir. you see, it runs well with our disk.
    tayor: then what's the problem?
    seller: the problem must be caused by your vcd disk. this player can't play the disks with inferior quality.
    tayor: oh, i know.
    seller: next time you rent the disks, please make sure that they are real and intact.
    tayor: ok, thanks for your service.
    seller: my pleasure.
    1. test [test] v. 测验,考查;检查,检验;n. 测验,化验;试验品
    2. rent [rent] n. 租金;地租;v. 租用,出租(房屋等)
    3. digital [?did?it?l] adj. 数字式的,数码的;数字显示的
    4. inferior [in?fi?ri?] adj.低等的,劣等的,次的;下级的;n. 部下,下属
    5. intact [in?t?kt] adj. 完整无缺的,未经触动的;未受损伤的
    1. what's the size of the tv?
    2. could you introduce me about this microwave oven?
    3. is this refrigerator an energy-saving one?
    4. this player can support different formats of videos.
    5. how long does it take to charge this electric shaver?
    6. this is your warranty card of the air conditioning.

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