首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 02 科学技术

02 科学技术

    02 科学技术
    carl feels pitiful that steve jobs died of disease.
    carl: it's really a great pity about the death of steve jobs. he is such an outstanding man.
    henry: as the ceo and one of the cofounders of apple, he had made great contributions to the world.
    carl: have you got the apple's products?
    henry: yes, i bought an ipod last year. it is very good. the tone quality is excellent.
    carl: the iphone 4s is on the market now. the functions of this mobile phone are rather powerful. there's no need of a pc any more if you have this. i'm eager to get one. but i just got a cell phone several months ago.
    卡尔:iphone 4s现在已经上市了,这部手机的功能相当强大。如果有了它,就用不着电脑了。我很想要一个,但是我几个月前刚买了一个手机。
    henry: the ipad is good as well, very portable and easy to operate.
    carl: i'm waiting for the unveiling of the ipad 3.
    卡尔:我在等ipad 3的问世呢。
    henry: yes, it is worth expecting. but jobs's death may have some influences to this new product.
    carl: maybe, hoping the ipad 3 also can be designed following jobs' theory.
    卡尔:也许会,希望ipad 3也能按照乔布斯的理念来设计。
    1. outstanding [aut?st?ndi?] adj. 杰出的,显著的
    2. cofounder [k?u'faund?] n. 共同开办人,共同创立人
    3. function [?f??k??n] n. 功能;v. 运行,起作用
    4. portable [?p?:t?b?l] adj. 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的
    5. operate [??p?reit] v. 操作,运转;动手术;经营
    6. unveil [??n?veil] v. 揭露
    i believe apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. and i look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
    ——steven jobs
    dan meets across kent in a street.
    kent: what did you do at your weekend?
    dan: i watched a movie last night, really exciting. the title is the sixth day.
    kent: the sixth day? who's the starring? what's the plot?
    dan: the hero is acted by schwarzenegger. it is mainly about the problems caused by clone technology.
    kent: it must be very cool and fantastic. i really love this muscle man. was schwarzenegger be cloned?
    dan: you are right. he found a man in his house who was the same with him one evening. then he was confused and tried to dig this out.
    kent: did he kill the clone man in the end?
    dan: no, they became friends at last and they punished the wicked scientist together.
    kent: clone is really a complicated thing. i think i will be threatened to death if another myself stand in front of me.
    dan: then the world will be totally in a mass. we can't distinguish who is the original one. it is really absurd.
    kent: i also think so. it is against the law of natural reproduction.
    dan: hope this is just a science fiction and would never happen in real world.
    1. title [?taitl] n. 题目;称号;片名
    2. plot [pl?t] n. 故事情节;密谋
    3. clone [kl?un] n. 无性繁殖,克隆;复制品;v. 克隆
    4. confused [k?n'fjuzd] adj. 困惑的,惶惑的;混乱的,乱七八糟的,杂乱的
    5. fantastic [f?n?t?stik] adj. 奇异的;极好的;不现实的
    6. wicked [?wikid] adj. 邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的;淘气的
    7. absurd [?b?s?:d] adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的
    8. reproduction [?ri:pr??d?k??n] n. 繁育,生殖;复制
    the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food:
    advantages: it can increase crop output per unit of area to reduce producing cost.the transgenic technology can increase the pest-resistant and antiviral ability of the crop. it can also improve the storability of the agricultural products, and extend the refreshing time.
    disadvantages: a number of studies show that genetically modified foods will damage the immune function of mammals.
    it's time for lunch. kim and matt are talking while walking to the dining hall.
    kim: it is said that the shenzhou-8 manned spaceship launched in november.
    matt: yeah, i've heard of it. the aeronautical technology of our country is developing at a very fast speed now. the tiangong-1 have just launched successfully in september.
    kim: tiangong-1 is the first unmanned space module in china. it is really a breakthrough.
    matt: yes, it is worth memorizing. and the shenzhou-8 and the tiangong-1 completed the first space docking.
    kim: i think it is very amazing and fantastic. how can two objects which are far away from earth can complete different actions as precisely as we wish?
    matt: this is the power of knowledge. people are awesome.
    kim: maybe one day we would reach out of the solar system and search the outer space.
    matt: yes, and then we can cross the universe and visit different planets easily.
    kim: it will come true one day, i think.
    1. spaceship [?speis??ip] n. 宇宙飞船
    2. launch [?l?:nt?] v. 发动;推出;发射;n. 发射;下水;投产
    3. aeronautical [,??r?'n?:tik?l] adj. 航空的;飞行术的
    4. module [?m?dju:l] n. 组件,模块,模件;(航天器)舱
    5. memorize [?mem?raiz] v. 记住,熟记
    6. dock [d?k] v. 使(船)进港,进港;n. 码头;被告席
    7. precisely [pri?saisli] adv. 精确地;刻板地
    8. awesome [??:s?m] adj. 令人叹为观止的,很棒的,了不起的
    9. planet [?pl?nit] n. 行星
    1. our country has made remarkable progress on aerospace technology.
    2. more than one hundred years have past since the wright brothers invented the first plane in the world.
    3. the boeing company is still the giant in aerospace engineering.
    4. the space travel will not be just a fantasy any more.
    5. the american scientists plan to invent an unmanned space vehicle to explore the mars.
    6. modern life needs the services of the applied satellites circling the earth on a large scale.
    7. the aerospace technology is a high-tech subject which depends on the support of many other subjects.
    owen just came back from his business trip to hong kong.
    mike: when did you come back from your business to hong kong?
    owen: i came back the day before yesterday. it was a cheerful journey.
    mike: you must have a good time there,right?
    owen: of course, hong kong is a wonderful city. the beautiful scenery of seaside, and the towering buildings, everything there makes me linger on without any thought of leaving.
    mike: can you tell me something about your experience?
    owen: ok, the spot of hong kong which impressed me most was the zhongyin building. it looks like a bamboo. it is said that it represents the sprit of power, vitality and enterprise.
    mike: really nice. i have heard the international finance center in hong kong. is it good enough, too?
    owen: absolutely. it is the tallest building in hong kong. the outer wall of its base is just like the style of the great wall, which represents china.
    mike: it's an ingenious design. hong kong is always a part of the motherland.
    owen: there are also many buildings of ancient style. st john's cathedral is the oldest church building in hong kong. you can feel the profound culture and history of hong kong by visiting the cathedral.
    mike: i have been attracted deeply now. i will visit hong kong by myself one day for sure.
    1. cheerful [?t?i?ful] adj. 欢乐的;令人高兴的,使人感到愉快的
    2. linger [?li?g?] v. 逗留,留恋徘徊,继续停留;缓慢消失
    3. vitality [vai?t?liti] n. 活力,生命力;效力
    4. enterprise [?ent?praiz] n. 进取心;(艰巨的)事业
    5. ancient [?ein??nt] adj. 古代的;古老的,年老的
    6. profound [pr??faund] adj. 深度的,深远的;见解深刻的,深奥的
    burj al arab, dubai
    burj al arabis a 5-star(often misleadingly referred to as 7-star)luxury hotel located in dubai, united arab emirates. it's 321 meters high(1,053 ft), and it is the fourth tallest hotel in the world. burj al arab stands on an artificial island 280 meters(920 ft)out from jumeirah beach, and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. it is designed as a sailing ship.
    burj al arab was designed by british architect tom wright. the design and construction were accomplished by canadian engineer rick gregory.
    ufo is always the topic people are glad to discuss. john and david are talking about this topic.
    john: it has been many years since america's first landing on the moon. i'm wondering why there's no second moon landing plan by any country till now.
    david: i have read some adventure records books about the moon landing. it seemed that the astronauts had encountered the ufo on the moon.
    john: oh, it is one piece of the movie transformers 3. maybe it is the megatons.
    david: the film is just based on a fiction.but i think ufo do exist. the aliens must have visited the earth for many times.
    john: i agree with you. many people have witnessed the ufo in many places around the world. some of them are illusions. but i don't think all of them are just unreal.
    david: have you heard of the crop circles?
    john: yes, i've watched a tv programme about it. it seems that even the scientists couldn't explain the reason of that.
    david: some people claimed that they had seen ufo near these circles. maybe we can communicate with the aliens directly with our technology one day.
    1. wonder [?w?nd?] v. 感到疑惑(好奇),想知道;n. 惊奇;奇迹
    2. record [?rek?:d] n. 记录,唱片;履历;v. 记录,写下
    3. astronaut ['?str?n?:t] n. 宇航员
    4. witness [?witnis] n. 目击者;证据;v. 目击;作证
    5. illusion [i'lu??n] n. 幻想,错误的假象,幻觉;错误,假象
    crop circle
    a crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or cole. crop circles are also referred to as crop formations, because they are not always circular in shape. while the exact date crop circle began to appear is unknown, the documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times. approximately ten thousand crop circles appeared in the last 30 years of the 20th century. ninety percent of those were located in southern england. many of the formations appeared near the historecal remains, such as stonehenge. according to one study, nearly half of all circles found in the uk in 2003 were located within a 15 km(9.3 miles)radius of avebury.

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