首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 03 艺术欣赏

03 艺术欣赏

    03 艺术欣赏
    elizabeth is on the way to go to the concert with her client.
    elizabeth: i heard that you like classical music very much. then who is your favorite opera star?
    mr. brown: the three tenors.
    elizabeth: oh, you mean pavarotti, domingo and carreras. have you seen their live shows?
    mr. brown: yeah. it's a solo concert by pavarotti. he put on the performance in the forbidden city in beijing. it's really a unique experience.
    elizabeth: i've heard of that one. it was also his swan song.
    mr. brown: yes. speaking of classical music, we should never forget about the new year's concert in vienna.
    elizabeth: sure, it's undoubtedly one of the biggest classical music events. have you ever been to the live show?
    mr. brown: yes, i went to the new year's concert in 2005.
    elizabeth: so cool, i wish i can go to the live new year's concert someday in the future.
    mr. brown: the right opportunity for you would come soon.
    elizabeth: i believe that. well, the performance is about to begin. let's be quiet.
    1. solo [?s?ul?u] n. 独唱,独奏;单飞;adj. 单独的,独自的;adv. 单独地,独自地
    2. swan song 告别演唱会
    3. forbidden city 紫禁城,故宫
    1. the concert was fully packed.
    2. the concert has a good start.
    3. will you attend this concert?
    4. do you think the music is well linked?
    mixing work with adequate rest can improve the efficiency of work.
    linda: finally the meeting ended. i'm so tired.
    lily: yeah, we have one day rest. shall we go somewhere to relax?
    linda: ok. do you have any place which is worth commending?
    lily: how about the palace museum?we can look for some creativities for our advertisement.
    linda: all right.
    lily: did you get the tickets?
    linda: yeah, they're pretty expensive.
    lily: well, this place is very popular, and it is the busy season.
    linda: all right. let's get in immediately.
    lily: did the whole palace serve as the emperor's residence?
    linda: yes.
    lily: how extravagant! why are there so many yellow-colored ornaments?
    linda: because yellow was the official color of the imperial family in the past.
    lily: oh, seeing such a magnificent palace,a good advertising idea comes to my mind. we can put the subject of this advertising in a place like the imperial palace, and it's better to highlight the luxury of the products.
    linda: it's a good idea. we can go and talk about the cooperation with the person in charge tomorrow.
    1. highlight [?hailait] v. 强调,突出,使显著,使醒目;用彩笔做标记,挑染;n. 最精彩的部分;挑染的头发
    2. immediately [i?mi:di?tli] adv. 立即,马上,紧接地;conj. 一……就,即刻
    3. extravagant [iks?tr?vig?nt] adj. 夸张的,奢侈的;无节制的,放肆的
    4. ornament [??:n?m?nt] v. 装饰,美化;n. 装饰品,点缀品;首饰
    5. luxury [?l?k??ri] n. 奢侈品,奢侈的享受
    6. in charge 掌管,看管,在……掌控下
    the british museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist sir hans sloane. the museum first opened to the public on january 15th 1759 in montagu house in bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building. its collections, which number more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. as with all other national museums and art galleries in britain, the museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions.
    helen intended to work overtime, but she succumbs to the temptations of the exhibition of painting.
    susan: shall i punch out for you, helen? i'm leaving now.
    helen: no, thanks. i've to work overtime.
    susan: oh, come on. today is friday. you're not going to work overtime on friday evening, are you?
    helen: well, i am. i have to finish this report for next monday's meeting. how about you? what will you do after work?
    susan: i have two complimentary tickets of an exhibition of painting. i intended to go with you…
    helen: whose exhibition?
    susan: one of my friend's. she is good at chinese brush painting and western impressionism.
    helen: wow, it's my style.
    susan: to be or not to be?
    helen: i am in a real dilemma. whatever,we must be dashing off now in order not to be late.
    (a few minutes later, they are in the exhibition.)
    susan: come here, helen. look at this painting. it touches me deeply.
    helen: bravo! this painting shows much artistic merit.
    susan: this painting exhibition is worth visiting. do you agree?
    helen: you may say that again.
    1. complimentary [?k?mpl??ment?ri] adj. 赠送的;赞美的,恭维的
    2. punch out 打卡下班;冲压出
    3. in a dilemma 左右为难
    4. dash off 匆忙离开;匆忙地把……写好、画好
    5. bravo [?brɑ:v?u] v. 向……喝彩;n. 干得好;int. 好极了
    1. what style does he paint in?
    2. he is asked to be a judge at the painting exhibition.
    3. we visited an art show this weekend.
    4. this painting exhibition is a bit of ragbag.
    5. she is invited to hang her works in an art show.
    6. the personal painting exhibition is in that beautiful building.
    it's the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the company's foundation.
    sarah: what comes to next?
    daniel: let me check the playbill. hmmm,it's a drama.
    sarah: which drama?
    daniel: the merchant of venice,shakespeare's comedy masterpiece.
    sarah: shh, the performance is about to start.
    daniel: oho! that's our general manager,isn't that? does he participate in? miser shylock? ah! a perfect fit.
    sarah: his performance is extremely exaggerated and completely characterizes shylock's nature. really brilliant! maybe he ought to win an academy award.
    daniel: antonio's time. it is said that he is the perfect partner in your women's mind. he is kind, emotional, gentle and most importantly, handsome and rich.
    sarah: daniel, you are so right. i'm not very familiar with the guy who plays the role of antonio.
    daniel: very normal. he is a new hand of our department.
    sarah: oh, here the answer is. nevertheless,he is a little like antonio in some degree.
    1. anniversary [??ni?v?:s?ri] n. 周年纪念
    2. masterpiece [?mɑ:st?pi:s] n. 杰作,代表作,名著
    3. participate [pɑ:?tisipeit] v. 参与,参加
    4. characterize [?k?rikt?raiz] v. 是……特征,以……为特征,使具有……特征
    5. miser [?maiz?] n. 守财奴
    6. be familiar with 熟悉
    7. in some degree 在一定程度上
    pay attention to these items when watching the play.
    1. arrive at the theatre in advance.
    2. arrive punctually and take your numbered seat. if being late, you should wait for the interval.
    3. power off your cellophone; do not eat snacks in performance.
    4. in performance you can laugh, but please don't clap literally.
    5. don't shout the names of the idols; do not raise your hand card, banners, glo-sticks and other substances.
    6. without permission, do not take pictures, record, and vediotape.
    7. after performance, please stand up to show your thanks to the actors.
    mary comes across jenny in a cinema.
    mary: hey, jenney! i'm very surprised to run into you in the cinema. are you by yourself?
    jenney: hi, mary. actually not. i came along with mrs. chen's child; she is on emergency.
    mary: ah, i see. the movie has begun. why don't you go into the cinema?
    jenney: her kid is so naughty and keeps speaking all the time. the audiences around us have begun to complain us. i have no choice but to buy some snacks with him. but he disappeared in a blink of an eye.
    mary: so naughty!
    jenney: yeah, i'm just looking for him. i never know where he would go. such a little devil!
    mary: he is just a kid. shall i help you?
    jenney: how is that acceptable? you have a film to watch.
    mary: i intended to see transformers 3. unfortunately, the tickets have been sold out.
    jenney: it's so hot.
    mary: yeah, i have to see it another day.look, there is a children's playground over there. let's have a check.
    jenney: all right. you are so kind.
    1. emergency [i?m?:d??nsi] n. 紧急情况,突发事件
    2. naughty [?n?:ti] adj. 顽皮的,不听话的;粗俗的,下流的
    3. complain [k?m?plein] v. 抱怨;投诉;抗议
    4. come along with sb. 与某人一起
    5. a blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫
    6. sell out 卖光,卖完
    top 10 horror movies for halloween
    set your halloween night with movies that will make you fright. prepare your fresh hot popcorn and soda, and let's see if you can still eat them fine…
    1. piranha 3d 《食人鱼3d》
    2. chromeskull 2: laid to rest 《安息2》
    3. dream house 《梦宅》
    4. texas killing fields《德州杀场》
    5. the thing《怪形前传》
    6. the human centipede《人体蜈蚣》
    7. 11.11.11《11.11.11》
    8. the women《女人》
    9. scream 4《惊声尖叫4》
    10. paranormal activity 3《鬼影实录3》
    della and ada are taking a walk during their rest day.
    della: ada, how about your order?
    ada: what a mass! that client is a tough nut.
    della: so you have a lot of things to do.
    ada: yes. how about you? does it go well?
    della: not very well. i'm in charge of decoration work of the company. it takes me much time.
    ada: forget it. no talking job during rest day. look, there is a circus show over there. let's go there for relaxation.
    della: you said it. let them go to hell. now what we should do is to buy two tickets.
    ada: look, the clown is on performance.
    della: haha…he is really funny. even the dog turns its back on him.
    ada: look, look! regardless of the dog, the elephant also gives him a kick. hahaha…
    della: wow! the bear is riding a monocycle.
    ada: so funny. i can't help laughing. do you feel better now?
    della: yes. their performance made me shake off the worries.
    1. in charge of 负责
    2. go to hell 见鬼去吧
    3. can not help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事
    top three circuses in the world:
    1. cirque du solei
    2. big apple circus
    3. ringling bros. and barnum  bailey

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