首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 04 游乐

04 游乐

    04 游乐
    ethan and lee want to go to people's park to enjoy the fresh air.
    ethan: lee, today is saturday. what do you want to do?
    lee: ah…do you have any good suggestions?
    ethan: let's go to people's park.the air is fresh in the park.
    lee: sounds like a good idea. let's go!
    ethan: look, the flowers have blossomed out.
    lee: yeah, they are very beautiful. shall we take a picture of them?
    ethan: ok, it's great.
    lee: wow, it is really agreeable to walk in such a quiet and air-fresh place.
    ethan: yeah, especially after five busy days. do you want to come here next week?
    lee: i really hope to come here every day!
    1. sugguestion [s?'d?est??n] n. 建议,意见
    2. blosson ['bl?s?m] v.(植物)开花
    3. agreeable [?'gri:?b?l] adj. 愉快的,宜人的
    yellowstone national park
    in the winter of 1807, a lone fur-trapper journeyed deep into the heart of the rocky mountains. somewhere near the headwater of the yellowstone river, he found a lost world. a wonderland, ruled by ice, fire and brimstone. a world of extremes that challenges all that strive to live here. winter in yellowstone, minus 40 degrees. for half the year, yellowstone is frozen solid. yet in the middle of this ice world there is scalding heat. this is no ordinary place and there is no ordinary winter. the fate of everything here lies in the hands of forces of almost unimaginable power. yellowstone is deep in the heart of the rocky mountains of north america. an isolated high plateau defended by rugged peaks. and its location is what makes it so different. right beneath yellowstone a unique quirt of geology means that molten rock from deep in the earth comes usually close to the frozen surface. no one knows why it happens right here, but its impact is what has made yellowstone world famous. yellowstone is the most extensive geothermal area on the earth. it has over 10 000 thermal wonders and more geysers than the rest of the world put together. old faithful is yellowstone's most well-known geyser. it shoots 5000 gallons of water, 150 feet into the air almost every hour.
    maggie's company plans a spring outing to let employees relax. they are excited to go to luoyang to admire the beauty of peony flowers in the peony show.
    maggie: i'm so glad that we're going to peony park to admire peonies.
    sue: i'm so exciting that i wish only if i grow wings and fly there. the peony is the king of flowers. and luoyang is famous for its peony flowers.
    maggie: oh, here we are!
    sue: wow! so beautiful! i finally get to see my yearning peonies. let's get in at once. it's said in the guidebook that peonies are big in flowers and rich in variety, and therefore are praised as the king of flowers. with its mild climate and moderate rain, luoyang is a suitable place for peonies to grow.
    maggie: you're well informed. look! this flower looks peculiar.
    sue: oh, it's a rare breed called “erqiao”. there are two different colors in a flower. it is very beautiful, isn't it?
    maggie: yeah, i've never seen such kind of flowers.
    sue: what's more quaint, there are many different colored flowers blossoming in a plant.
    maggie: so great! this time i do widen my view.
    1. peony show 牡丹花会
    2. yearning ['j?:ni?] n. 渴望,思慕;adj. 渴望的,怀念的
    3. guidebook ['gaidbuk] n. 旅行指南,参考手册
    4. mild [maild] adj. 温和的,柔和的;宽大的;清淡的
    5. moderate ['m?d?reit] adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的;v. 节制;使稳定;使缓和
    6. peculiar [pi'kju:lj?] adj. 奇怪的;特殊的,独特的,古怪的;n. 特权
    7. breed [bri:d] v. 繁殖;养育;n. 品种;血统
    8. quaint [kweint] adj. 奇特有趣的;古色古香的;古怪的
    9. blossom ['bl?s?m] n. 花;开花;全盛期;v. 开花;成长
    the calla lily 马蹄莲
    the calla lily is simple, as all elegant things. it makes a great potted plant, but you should be careful for children and animals: callas are very toxic, if eaten!
    the bird of paradise 天堂鸟
    this amazing flower has the shape of a bird and this makes it special. the colorful bird of paradise is pretty tall: the plant may reach as much as 1.5 meters in height and the flower itself is also very large. the bird of paradise may be only found in south africa.
    the rose 玫瑰
    roses are the most known flowers in the world. the big, colored roses have been preferred by all people in the world at any event what so ever. they have many symbols, depending on their colors. for example, the color talk of white rose is “i am worthy of you”.
    orchids 兰花
    orchids are also celebrated and very famous for the great variety. they are very adaptable, populating all continents, except for the coldest antarctic continent. the unbelievable orchids are as old as time and as beautiful as rain drops.
    cherry blossoms 樱花
    the most treasured flowers in japan, cherry blossoms look truly wonderful. there is nothing more poetic than a flowering cherry tree.
    sarah's family went to disneyland last weekend. on monday she is talking about it with her colleague susan.
    sarah: have you ever been to disneyland,susan?
    susan: when i was young, my parents took me to the one in california.
    sarah: oh, last sunday we took our son to the disneyland. he likes amusement parks very much.
    susan: did you have a good time?
    sarah: of course we did. first we took a roller-coaster. i was sick and dizzy. but my son thought that was totally coolsville! he said the roller-coaster rocked! he wanted to ride it again!
    susan: if you don't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can,you'll have loads of fun.
    sarah: maybe. my son also thought the characters in costumes were cool and when he grew up, he wanted to be one.
    susan: ha-ha, kids are always so cute!
    1. disneyland ['diznil?nd] n. 迪斯尼乐园
    2. california [?k?li'f?:nj?] n. 加利福尼亚,加州
    3. amusement park 游乐场
    4. roller-coaster ['r?ul?'k?ust?] n. 过山车;云霄飞车;惊险游戏车
    5. coolsville ['ku:lzvil] adj. <美俚>顶呱呱的,极好的
    6. loads of 大量,许多
    7. cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的,聪明的,伶俐的;n. 智取敌方的策略 / 手段,灵巧
    ferris wheel 摩天轮
    giant stride 旋转飞椅
    monorail 单轨列车
    swinging boat 海盗船
    merry-go-round 旋转木马
    excursion boat 观览艇
    revolving boat 碰碰船
    mini-train 小火车
    go-cart 单座赛车
    mad-mouse 疯狂老鼠
    susan and julie had an appointment to go to the aquarium together at 9:00 a.m. on sunday. now they meet outside the aquarium.
    susan: hi, julie. i'm sorry for being late. have you waited for a long time?
    julie: i've been here for an hour.
    susan: what? that's impossible. i couldn't have been late for so long.
    julie: ha-ha, just kidding. i arrived here just now, then you appeared. let's get in. i have bought two tickets.
    susan: oh, julie. i am at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.
    julie: look at this! it's so cute! what on the earth is it? it's only about three centimeters long. and more interestingly, it has wings, looks like an angel.
    susan: i know it's called a sea angel!
    julie: it swims by flapping its wings. wow…it's so beautiful!
    susan: yeah, it's also intelligent.
    1. aquarium [?'kw??ri?m] n. 水族馆;养鱼缸
    2. at a loss 困惑,不知所措
    3. fla [fl?p] n.拍打,拍打声;片状垂悬物;v. 拍打;鼓翼而飞
    4. intelligent [in'telid??nt] adj. 聪明的,智能的;有理性的
    have you ever seen a whale in an aquarium? “of course”, you may answer.and have you even seen a whale that can talk? a japanese researcher says he has taught a beluga whale called nack to “talk” by using sounds to identify three different objects. isn't it wonderful? nack emits a short, high-pitched sound when he sees a swimming fin, a long, high-pitched sound when he sees goggles and a short, low-pitched sound when he sees a bucket. he correctly chooses the right object when the three sounds are played back to him. the research offers hope that one day humans may be able to hold conversations with sea mammals.

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