首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 01 假期出游

01 假期出游

    01 假期出游
    alisa and michael are discussing where to go travelling.
    alisa: autumn is coming. it's a good season to embrace the nature. how about going outside to have a travel together, michael? all work and no play make jack a dull boy. we should go close to nature and breathe the fresh air rather than stay in the office and work all day.
    michael: emm, sounds good. i like it. do you often travel before?
    alisa: yes, i like travelling around to enjoy beautiful sceneries and different kinds of food. i have been to many places, such as the great wall, the imperial palace, the mount tai and so on. they are great. what about you?
    michael: me too. travelling can bring us many benefits. it can broaden our eyes, and our bodies can also be exercised.
    alisa: yes. what's more, it can relax the tightened nerves from the job and make us feel happy and energetic.
    michael: so, where shall we go this time? do you have any suggestions?
    alisa: i think we shall go to a resort that both of us have never been before. let's go to the travel agency to get some information.
    michael: or we can search it on the internet.
    alisa: yeah, good idea.
    1. scenery [?si:n?ri] n. 风景,景色;舞台布景
    2. the imperial palace 故宫
    3. broaden [?br?:dn] v. 使……变宽,扩展
    4. suggestion [s??d?est??n] n. 建议,意见;细微的迹象
    5. resort [ri?z?:t] n. 度假胜地;v. 诉诸,凭借;救助
    1. all work and no play make jack a dull boy.
    2. i'm going to travel abroad during summer holiday.
    3. what's your plan for the vacation?
    4. i intend to stay at home to have a good rest during the vacation.
    5. i have been longing for playing by the seaside and enjoying the sunshine on the beach.
    6. travel can make us breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful nature.
    7. the service of this travel agency is very good.
    it's common that every employee is eager for the coming of holiday.
    samson: ashley, the manager just said that we would have a five-day holiday if this project could be completed before the deadline.
    ashley: wow, that's cool! we have put almost all our energy on the job these days. i'm longing for a good rest. i believe that i can finish my part in time. what about you, samson?
    samson: i'm not sure yet.
    ashley: is there any difficulty in your job?
    samson: yes, we are now working on it. we will try our best to overcome the difficulty. what about your plan for the holiday?
    ashley: well, i'm planning to have a travel to relax myself.
    samson: that's great! could i join you if the work can be finished?
    ashley: of course you can. hope your work can be done successfully.
    samson: thank you.
    1. manager [?m?nid??] n. 经理;管理人;以某种方式管理人、家庭、钱财等的人
    2. project [?pr?d?ekt] n. 项目,课题;计划,方案;[pr?'d?ekt] v. 规划;抛,投,射;伸出;突出;表达特点
    3. deadline [?dedlain] n. 最后期限
    4. difficult [?difik?lti] n.困难,难度;难事,麻烦
    1. 元旦 new year's day
    2. 春节 spring festival
    3. 清明节 tomb-sweeping day
    4. 劳动节 labor day
    5. 端午节 the dragon boat festival
    6. 中秋节 the mid-autumn festival
    7. 国庆节 the national day
    bob is planning a travel during the holiday.
    lily: what are you doing?
    bob: i'm searching for some beautiful tourist attractions.
    lily: are you preparing for a travel?
    bob: yes. the national day holiday is coming. i intend to have a tour. there are so many beautiful scenery spots that i don't know how to choose.
    lily: what about going to lijiang? it's a beautiful place and worth visiting.
    bob: i don't know much about that place. have you ever been there before?
    lily: yes. lijiang is a quiet and beautiful town in yunnan province. it's famous for the beautiful nature and cultural scenery. you can enjoy the slow lazy life to relax yourself there.
    bob: that sounds good. thank you.
    lily: you're welcome.
    1. tour [tu?] n. 旅行,观光;巡回比赛(演出等);v. 旅行,游历
    2. choose [t?u:z] v. 挑选,选择;选定,决定;喜欢,宁愿
    3. worth [?w?:θ] prep. 相当于……价值的,值得……的;n. 价值
    4. province [?pr?vins] n. 省份,大行政区;范围;职责;领域
    1. the tropical scenery in hainan attracts me most.
    2. shaolin temple is famous for its kungfu and buddhism. it has attracted many tourists both domestic and abroad.
    3. i think we need to look for a tourist information center.
    4. could you introduce me some distinctive and interesting places?
    5. i'd like to choose a package tour.
    6. what kind of itineraries do you like best?
    albert is on leave now. he plans to have a trip in beijing. jack, his roommate and colleague,is helping him to pack up luggage.
    jack: it's a sunny day today, and it is good for a journey. check the luggage carefully and be sure that nothing is left behind.
    albert: all the necessities are ready. one more thing, is it cold enough in north to take a jacket in now?
    jack: it's nearly winter now. there is great difference in temperature during day and night. you'd better take it.
    albert: does it often rain?
    jack: it doesn't rain very often in beijing.but you'd better take an umbrella. it won't take up much room anyway.
    albert: ok, i'll take one.
    jack: take some pills just in case.
    albert: yeah, thank you for reminding me,jack.
    1. check [t?ek] v. 检查,核对
    2. luggage [?l?gid?] n. 行李
    3. necessity [ni?sesiti] n. 必要(性),(迫切)需要;必需品;自然规律
    4. umbrella [?m?brel?] n.(雨)伞
    5. remind [ri?maind] v. 使想起,提醒
    1. don't forget to take the camera.
    2. this sportswear fits me well for climbing the mountain.
    3. i think we need a larger backpack. this one is too small to carry the necessities for travelling.
    4. there are too many changes of clothes in the box. two suits are enough.
    5. the luggage is ready, waiting for the start.
    6. i can't remember the password to open the lock on my travelling case.
    lawrence is in the ticket lobby. he wants to book a ticket to shanghai.
    lawrence: excuse me, i want to book a train ticket.
    clerk: ok, where are you going?
    lawrence: i'm going to shanghai.
    clerk: which day do you want to book?
    lawrence: july 8th.
    clerk: ok, let me check for you… beijing west railway station has a train at 8 o'clock p.m. to shanghai.
    lawrence: good. how much is it?
    clerk: one hundred and fifty yuan.
    lawrence: here you are.
    clerk: here's your ticket and the change. have a good trip!
    lawrence: thank you.
    clerk: you are welcome.
    1. book [buk] v. 预订;n. 书,书籍;账簿
    2. ticket [?tikit] n. 票,车票
    3. check [t?ek] v. 检查,核对
    4. change [t?eind?] n. 零钱,找回的钱;改变,变化;v. 改变,改换,变化;换衣服;换车
    1. i want to book a ticket to beijing.
    2. we need to buy the ticket three days in advance.
    3. which one do you like to choose, soft berth or hard berth?
    4. what's the price for a hard seat?
    5. be careful of your luggage when buying the ticket.
    6. what a long line it is in front of the station! it would take several hours to buy a ticket.

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