首页毕业之后还要上的10堂英语课 02 交通

02 交通

    02 交通
    blake is going to take a business trip tomorrow morning.
    anna: when will you leave for the business trip, blake?
    blake: tomorrow morning.
    anna: how will you get there, by train or by air?
    blake: by air. i have bought a plane ticket.
    anna: the price of the plane ticket must be very high. i think it would be cheaper by train.
    blake: plane is much faster than train. it just takes a few hours from beijing to guangzhou.
    anna: hmm, it's really fast. if by train, it would take almost a day and a night to get there.
    安娜: 嗯,确实很快,如果坐火车的话,几乎需要一天一夜才能到达。
    blake: yes, the faster, the better. and what's more, the company will reimburse all expenses for my trip.
    anna: that's wonderful!
    1. almost [??:lm?ust] adv. 几乎,差不多;差一点;将近
    2. reimburse [?ri:im'b?:s] v. 偿还;付还
    3. expense [iks'pens] n. 消耗,花费;费用
    4. wonderful [?w?nd?ful] adj. 极好的,精彩的,绝妙的
    1. we'd better go there by air. flying is much faster.
    2. i always shiver instinctively each time the plane is about to take off.
    3. be sure to take your visa and passport before boarding the plane.
    4. i can't buckle the seal belt. could you give a hand, please?
    5. i don't have any appetite to eat food at the height of 5000 meters above the horizon.
    6. i like the feeling to overlook the scenery of the ground on a plane.
    andrew is talking with his girlfriend that he is going to shanghai for a business trip.
    andrew: i'm going to shanghai for a business trip next week.
    emily: that's a long way. will you get there by plane or by train?
    andrew: i want to get there by train. it's cheaper and safer than plane.
    emily: the plane is also very safe now. there're few accidents happened in recent years.
    andrew: but i'm still afraid to take a plane. i have the acrophobia.
    emily: in fact, it's not so awful. it will be ok if you don't look out of the window.
    andrew: i still can't do it. each time i think about it, my brain just freaks out. moreover,the train is much faster now than the past.
    emily: oh, i know. have you bought the ticket?
    andrew: not yet. i'll buy it tomorrow.
    1. accident [??ksid?nt] n. 意外遭遇,事故;机遇;命运,造化
    2. acrophobia [??kr?'f?ubi?] n. 恐高症
    3. awful [??:ful] adj. 糟糕的,可怕的;惊人的;非常的,极大的
    4. freak [fri:k] v.(使)强烈反应;震惊,畏惧;n. 畸形生物,怪物;反常的事,怪事;有怪癖的人
    5. moreover [m?:?r?uv?] adv. 再者,此外,而且
    1. it is more economical and convenient to get there by train than driving a car.
    2. what's your carriage number?
    3. excuse me, is there any ticket to kunming tomorrow morning?
    4. wait here for a moment. i'll buy a magazine to spend the dull time on the train.
    5. stay away from the scalper when buying tickets on the train station.
    6. we need to hurry up. the train is about to start.
    mary plans a trip to chengdu.
    john: hey, mary, how do you get to chengdu next week?
    mary: i'm not sure yet. i may take the train,but then again i may take the bus.
    john: i think bus would be a better choice.you can go directly to chengdu from our city by bus.
    mary: and what about train?
    john: it is not very convenient by train. and there are always too many people on the train.
    mary: is the price of bus ticket expensive?
    john: it's a little higher than train. while taking all things into consideration, it is still the best way to get chengdu.
    mary: really? maybe i'll take a bus then. thank you, john.
    玛丽:真的? 那也许我就坐汽车了。谢谢你,约翰。
    john: my pleasure.
    1. choice [t??is] n. 选择,挑选;供选择的东西
    2. directly [di?rektli] adv. 直接地,径直地;直爽地;立即,很快地;conj. 一……就……
    3. convenient [k?n?vi:ni?nt] adj. 方便的,便利的;合适的;附近的
    4. consideration [k?n?sid??rei??n] n. 体贴,关心;考虑;要考虑的事
    1. do you have any extra money? my money is not enough to buy the bus ticket?
    2. it is more convenient to go to that small town by bus.
    3. it's quicker to go there by train than by bus.
    4. i hitched a ride to get here from my hometown.
    5. a car trip would be an exciting thing for sure.
    6. we can see more beautiful sceneries along the trip by bus than by train.
    owen went to beijing on business. he just came out from the airport.
    owen: hi, taxi!
    driver: yes, sir. where to?
    owen: pacific building, please.
    driver: ok, no problem.
    (on the taxi)
    owen: excuse me, what's the screen on the back of the seat for?
    driver: it's a portable multimedia. it's a popular thing now.
    owen: oh, that's new to me. so what's on everyday?
    driver: it's mainly about current affairs, music, food and travel information and so on.
    owen: it is very useful, i think.
    driver: yes, there is something good and informative. i think that many people begin to realize the value of public media.
    owen: sure it is.
    driver: yeah. you know driving is boring. tv can get me out of the fatigue of driving.
    owen: it can also entertain your passengers like me.
    driver: that's the point.
    1. screen [skri:n] n. 屏风,帘,纱窗;掩护物;屏幕;v. 遮蔽;掩护;放映(电影),播放(电视节目)
    2. portable [?p?:t?b?l] adj. 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的
    3. realize [?ri?laiz] v. 实现;了解,认识到;变卖;赚得
    4. boring [?b?:ri?] adj. 无趣的,单调的,乏味的
    5. fatigue [f??ti:g] n. 疲劳,劳累
    1. we need to take a cab to get there earlier.
    2. it's hard to get a taxi now. how about taking a bus?
    3. what's the rate per kilometer?
    4. it's a taxi-rank. it's easier to take a taxi there.
    5. can i put the luggage into the trunk?
    6. beijing west railway station, please.
    7. here's your tip.
    kitty wanted to go to the cultural palace. but she took the wrong bus.
    kitty: i'm going to the cultural palace. when shall i get there?
    mark: sorry, you're on the wrong bus. you should take bus no. 132 near the railway station.
    kitty: how can i get to the railway station, please?
    mark: get off at the next stop, cross the street, and you'll find a bus stop not far on your right hand side. there're buses to the railway station.
    kitty: could i have a transfer ticket, please?
    mark: here you are.
    kitty: thank you.
    1. palace [?p?lis] n. 宫,宫殿
    2. stop [st?p] n. 停止,逗留;停车站,候车站,车站;v. 停止,中断;逗留;阻挠
    3. cross [kr?s] v. 穿过,越过;交叉,相交;n. 十字架
    4. transfer [tr?ns?f?:] v. 转移,转让;n. 转乘票;转移
    1. we shall get off at the next stop to get another bus.
    2. how can i get an ic card for bus?
    3. could you please remind me when the bus gets to the zoo?
    4. the k2 bus will take us to the ocean park.
    5. that double-decker bus is what we want.
    6. it's too crowded on the bus. we'd better get there by car next time.
    lisa and henry are going to the concert, and they are discussing how to get there.
    lisa: are you ready to go to the concert?
    henry: yes. shall we go there by bus so we won't be late?
    lisa: why not go there by bike? we could get stuck in traffic if we take a bus in rush hour.
    henry: that's true. cycling is good for our environment, too. so it's better to go there by bike.
    lisa: is that your new bicycle?
    henry: yes, i have just bought it last week. do you like it?
    lisa: it's the newest mountain bike. it's really cool!
    henry: i like everything about it except the saddle. it is a bit higher to me. do you know how to change the height?
    lisa: that's easy. it's important to have the saddle comfortable enough so that you can control the bike well.
    henry: yes, my feet can't touch the ground. it's easy to fall off.
    lisa: yes. give me a minute and i can adjust it for you and then we can go.
    1. concert [?k?ns?t] n. 音乐会
    2. actually [??kt?u?li] adv. 实际上,实在地;确实;目前,眼下
    3. saddle [?s?dl] n.(马)鞍,鞍状物;车座;v. 给(马)装鞍;使承担
    4. adjust [??d??st] v.(改变以)适应;调整;校正
    1. what's the price to rent this bike?
    2. there's a short cut; we can cross it.
    3. how long does it take to reach there by bike?
    4. the chain of my bike is off. could you help me fixing it?
    5. i think we need to buy a map in case of losing the way.
    6. test the brakes of your bike before leaving.
    peter and mary will go to hong kong for a business meeting. now, they are on the ship to hong kong.
    mary: peter, let's go to the deck to enjoy the beautiful sea, ok?
    peter: sorry, i can't. i'm not feeling very well.
    mary: your face looks very pale. what's wrong with you?
    peter: i'm feeling a turn of dizziness on my head. i think i'm suffering from seasickness.
    mary: are you always so when on board?
    peter: yes, i'm not a good sailor. i always get sick aboard a ship.
    mary: do you have any seasick pills?
    peter: yes, i have taken some seasick pills just now.
    mary: ok. then have a good rest.
    peter: thank you for your concern.
    1. deck [dek] n. 甲板;层面
    2. pale [peil] adj. 苍白的,灰白的;浅色的,淡的;v. 变得苍白;失色,变得暗淡
    3. dizziness ['dizinis] n. 头昏眼花,头晕,眩晕
    4. seasickness ['si:?siknis] n. 晕船
    5. aboard [??b?:d] prep. / adv. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车)
    1. the anchor is being lifted now. our trip is about to start.
    2. there are seagulls flying hither and thither around the ship.
    3. the seawaves are so rough that the rolling of the ship makes me feel uneasy.
    4. take these tablets and then you'll feel better.
    5. i'm not a good sailor.
    6. the ship is going to put in to the harbor. what a nice journey!
    7. the next port will come three hours later.
    sam wants to go to the central hotel to meet his client.
    sam: taxi!
    driver: at your service, sir. where to?
    sam: the central hotel, please. how long will it take?
    driver: around 20 minutes in normal time. but it's rush hour now. it may need nearly one hour to get there.
    sam: is there any way around the traffic jam?
    driver: we can go back to that intersection and try another way. but it's a longer distance and needs higher price.
    sam: all right, let's do that.
    driver: ok. but we're going to be stuck here for a little while before we go back to that intersection. let's listen to some music. what do you want to listen to, sir?
    sam: how about some beatles?
    driver: yeah, all right. i love it, too.
    1. nearly [?ni?li] adv. 几乎,差不多,将近
    2. intersection [int??sek??n] n. 横断,交叉;交叉点,十字路口;交集
    3. distance [?dist?ns] n. 距离,间距;远处,远方;(时间或空间的)相距;疏远,冷淡
    1. at your service.
    2. the beatles
    20世纪最知名的英国摇滚乐队,1956年成立于利物浦,成员包括john lennon(1940-1980),节奏吉他、键盘乐及主唱;paul mccartney(1942- ),低音吉他、键盘乐及主唱;以及george harrison(1943-2001),主吉他、西达琴、钢琴及和音。1962年,ringo starr(原名 richard starkey,1940- )加入,负责鼓及和音。1970年,乐队解散,4人分道扬镳。
    3. it's just a waste of time to be trapped on the road for such a long time.
    4. there are too many cars on the road.
    5. as there's no traffic jam and accident, subway is the best choice to go for work.
    6. we should avoid the main street next time. it is too crowded here.

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